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advancing medico-marketing leadership

The CEO of LTEN, David Fortanbary, once said,“Patients are empowered now, and we have to see things through their eyes and the lens of their journey. As long aswe keep that as our North Star, then we’re going to be in a good place.” Advancing Medico-Marketing Leadership™ (AMML) brings together medical, medical affairs, marketing, and other commercial managers, aligning them on that North Star. In the process, they will develop better ways for the company to improve patient journeys, ultimately driving better health outcomes, care, and value.

learning objectives

•Become better than the brand by committing to improve the patient journey

•Decide where to play by conducting a medico-marketing environmental scan

•Analyze and characterize the patient from upstream to downstream disease evolution and maximizing touchpoints

•Improve medical and marketing collaboration and focus on sustainable strategies to improve outcomes throughout the patient journey

•Challenge and improve the value patients andthe company are getting from collaborations with advisors and other external stakeholders

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