portfolio strategy and management

Portfolio Strategy and Management™ (PSM) is an intense workshop for more experienced marketing personnel, including those involved in portfolio resource management and decision making. Participants are assigned to be part of an executive team of a hypothetical pharma company. As team members, they evaluate their own portfolio and the portfolios of other (actual) leading competitive companies, learning to look at the total portfolio’s opportunity and to formulate strategy for further investment and development. Participants are then assigned to specific business units in this company. Teams apply similar processes of portfolio analysis to their assigned business units, and from this analysis formulate business unit portfolio strategies for the coming one to three years. In the final session, business unit teams present their business unit portfolio with review and critique by an executive board.

learning objectives

•Evaluate a business portfolio to determine overall feasibility at both the corporate and business unit levels

•Enable experienced marketers to make better investment and resource commitment choices across the portfolio and within business units

•Better anticipate competition’s willingness to invest in competitive product lines or business units

•Learn to ask more strategic questions about the portfolio, leading to better business decision-making

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