Our top-level experiential sales academy courses are available as in-person workshops, train the trainer, blended learning, and e-learning. Customize a course to fit your sales team’s needs or register for a public course.
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Good training begins with a development needs assessment. With the Innovara Sales Management Assessment (ISMA) you can benchmark your sales managers’ capabilities against industry standards, allowing us to pinpoint the areas most in need of improvement.
evaluate your sales team
Align the focus of your sales team with the future vision and strategy of your organization. Our competency models are fully customized to your specifications, based on observable, and measurable behaviors.
update your competency model
No time for a Train the Trainer course before your first sales training gig? Download Innovara’s Competitive Selling™ Reminders and Tips for Sales Trainers for the ultimate refresher.
download free guide
Having trouble getting your sales team off the ground? Our experts are here to help. From onboarding to research to virtual coaching and more, we tailor services to support the success of your sales team and realize the vision of your organization.
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Ready to see the difference Innovara can make for your organization? We specialize in the pharmaceutical, medical device, biotechnology, and healthcare industries, as well as other life sciences. If your organization is outside of these industries, drop us a line anyway – we can build a custom solution for you, too!
+1 (413) 387-6188