technical coaching for msl managers

Technical Coaching for MSL Managers™ (TCMSL) is an intensive 2-day open seminar designed to help managers of Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) to be better at coaching in a range of situations. There is a major focus on global standards for excellence for MSLs and their teams, and how to assess performance (including metrics).

Whether a direct superior or a mentor assigned to work with MSLs in other areas of the company, TCMSL helps MSL managers become clear in their own strengths and development needs to be more effective MSL coaches, counselors, and mentors. Participants will have an opportunity to learn from advanced trainers and subject matter experts. The training will include interactive caselets profiling different MSL situations and needs, role plays, assessments, and other workshops which provide a perfect opportunity for hands-on learning. From managing and coaching the newest MSLs to the most experienced and problematic ones, TCMSL helps make every MSL manager a better coach and leader.

learning objectives

•Appreciate the three most important elements of MSL team performance leadership and development.

•Fully understand the metrics of MSL performance and use these metrics to evaluate and guide coaching and development priorities in their teams.

•Utilize 6 phases of coaching and mentorship to develop best practice MSL skills and teams.

•Be more effective in communications and coaching MSLs to achieve the desired improvements in critical skills or behaviors.

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